Classic MacOS Shareware
The original and best PPP control strip module.
- Connect or disconnect PPP
- Open the TCP and PPP control panels
- See whether PPP is open
- See the time you spend online, both session and total
- See your IP address and throughput
- Switch between your saved configurations
- Works with Open Transport 1.1.1 or better, or MacTCP 2.0 or better, even if you switch among them without restarting.
Download version 2.2 (108K, shareware $10).
A set of three QuicKeys extensions to allow QuicKeys to open and close PPP and take decisions based on whether PPP is open or closed.
Requires System 7 or better, QuicKeys 3.0 or better with Open Transport 1.1.1 or better, or MacTCP 2.0 or better.
Download version 4.3 (156K, shareware $10).
A KeyQuencer extension, corresponding to MacPPP QuicKeys, that lets KeyQuencer open and close PPP and test whether PPP is open or closed.
Requires MacOS 6.0.4 or better, KeyQuencer 1.1 or better and Open Transport 1.1.1 or better, or MacTCP 2.0 or better.
Download version 2.2 (92K, shareware $10)
A set of three QuicKeys extensions to allow QuicKeys to control the screen
saver and test the state the screen saver is in (asleep, awake, etc).
Requires QuicKeys 3.0 or better and After Dark 2.0u or better (or a compatible
alternative such as Dark Side of the Mac).
Download version 3.0.1 (52K, freeware).
An add-in for Microsoft Excel which can read aloud from your spreadsheet using any of the voices installed on your Macintosh. Very useful for proof-reading a large section of input.
- Multiple selections are handled correctly.
- The Speech Manager is given the formatted contents of each cell rather than the underlying numbers, so that currency and percentage formatting is spoken correctly.
- The speed, pitch and level of modulation of each voice can be controlled by the user.
- Speech can be generated from the Excel macro language.
- Any dictionary resources in the Excel Talk, Excel, or System files are used.
Requires the Speech Manager and Excel 4.0 or better.
Download version 1.2.2 (23K, freeware).
An FKEY and an Excel add-in to make sure that everything in your disk cache is completely saved to your disks.
If your have Mac OS 7.6 or later then you don't need this.
Download Excel add-in version 1.1 (10K, freeware).
Download FKEY version 1.1 (6K, freeware).
QuicKeys and AppleScript lash-ups to automate blinks by modem onto an Internet provider.
Requires System 7, QuicKeys 3.0 or better, MacPPP QuicKeys 3.0 or better and AppleScript 1.0 or better, but could be modified to run (unreliably) without AppleScript.
Download version 1.1 for Newshopper (9K, freeware).
Download version 1.1 for MacSlurp (8K, freeware).
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