Classic MacOS Programming Tools


Carbon Spelling

A Cocoa bundle, based upon Apple DTS sample code, and a set of Carbon C++ classes that together let Carbon programmers use the Cocoa spelling checker.

As well as framework-agnostic C++ classes that manage the instantiation and book-keeping, there are PowerPlant-specific subclasses of WTextEdit and LCMAttachment, and a sample PowerPlant app.

Download version 1.0.b1 (256K, public domain).


Formerly CScrollWheelAttachment, this is a PowerPlant class that lets you painlessly add scroll wheel support to Carbon PowerPlant apps running on Mac OS X. Requires PowerPlant 2.2.

Download version 1.2.3 (8K, public domain).


A PowerPlant attachment that lets you painlessly add live window resizing to Carbon PowerPlant apps running on Mac OS X. Requires PowerPlant 2.2.

Download version 1.0.3 (8K, public domain).


A subclass of LOffscreenView that draws offscreen on Mac OS 8 and 9 but directly on Mac OS X. When drawing directly on Mac OS X you can control whether it erases first. Requires PowerPlant 2.1.1 or later.

Download version 1.0 (4K, public domain).


A PowerPlant attachment that lets you painlessly add items to the system Help menu and associate command numbers with them using Constructor in the usual way. Carbonised.

Download version 1.2 (8K, freeware).

Universal PPP interfaces

A general API that dynamically detects which PPP driver is in use and maps to the correct sub-API.

Programmers can simply code to the Universal API, whatever flavour of PPP the user has. For users, it "just works", even if they switch between PPP flavours without restarting.

Download version 1.4 (976K, shareware).


Excel add-in framework for CodeWarrior

A framework for writing Excel add-ins (XLLs) for 68K and PowerPC Macs and 32-bit Windows in CodeWarrior.

  • 68K, 68K-with-FPU and PowerPC builds can be easily generated from the same source code and integrated in the same fat binary: Excel will transparently call the right one.
  • The PowerPC add-ins are 100% native and don't use any mode switching.
  • Supports C++ for PowerPC and Win32.

32-bit Windows builds are generated from the same source code but a separate object file is built.

Requires the Excel 5 Developer's Kit (from Microsoft) and CodeWarrior 10 or later.

Download version CW Pro 6 (256K, freeware).

The framework has been Carbonised and a beta is available.
Works with Excel for Mac OS X, while preserving compatability with earlier versions of Excel on both Mac OS and Windows.

Download Carbonised beta version for Excel X (304K, freeware, requires CodeWarrior Pro 7 or later).


Linking CodeWarrior to Excel Visual Basic

A snippet that shows how to link Visual Basic on the Mac to PowerPC code written in CodeWarrior.

Requires CodeWarrior 6 or at least a version that can import projects from XML.

Download version CW Pro 6 (36K, freeware).

Decimal panes for PowerPlant

PowerPlant classes that let you easily manage decimal input and display the "Right Way".

They use the decimal formatting capabilities of the Script Manager, which gives you great control over the formats while still respecting the user's formatting preferences as set in the "Numbers" control panel.

The conversion code is encapsulated in a mix-in class and subclasses of LCaption, LEditField, LStaticText and LEditText are included together with an example application.

Download (52K, freeware).
This ResEdit extension (104K) will help you create the format resources.

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