Tomb Raider II Mac Saved Games

About this archive

Quite a few people have asked for Macintosh saved games for Tomb Raider II, so here are mine.

I stupidly didn't think to begin archiving saved games until I was onto "Offshore Rig", and even then I didn't get properly organised for a while so there are a few gaps. In particular, I lost most of "Diving Area". D'oh!

All the same, this may well help you if you're getting stuck on the later levels.

These are my saved games exactly as I went through the game and so there are many more saves than you would find in an archive meant to show just the main breakpoints. On the other hand, if you're having trouble with a particular jump, fight or puzzle, then most likely I had the same trouble and made a save just before and after that point.

Sometimes there's a jump or dead end in the sequence numbering where I got killed, or doubled back to find something that I'd overlooked.

I did use walkthroughs, but only after the event so as to confirm that I hadn't missed any goodies -- if I did, then usually I went back and did it right, except in some of the later levels where I already had a vast excess of ammo and medipacks.

Directory of TR2 saved games

Directory of TR2 Gold saved games