Hippolyta’s Rebel Days

You know, I’d forgotten how damned cool Hippolyta looked in her teenage goth phase (clvl ~35), what with her black skulled armour and black bow. It’s a shame that the Tarnhelm spoiled the general effect, but no decent circlets were to be had at that stage.

“Are you really going out like that? You make me worry sometimes. You know, the Night Lords really go for that kind of get-up. And some of the succubi are a bit keen on—”

“Shut up, Cain, and tell me what kind of armour this is.”

Hippolyta’s grown up now (clvl 63), and these days she wears the Spirit Shroud and a Static Circlet (1-114 lightning dmg). Terribly undistinguished, but needs must.

She still remembers her rebel days, and regrets that Red Vex and Black Jade won’t come to her drinks parties any more. Sure, it was a job to keep them apart from Hadriel, but at least they stopped Cain from monopolising the conversation.

Original post on Google